This is a very filling, easy to make manicotti dish my whole family loves - including my picky 2 year old! It's a combination of a few different recipes....
Quick and easy supper on a hot day. You can substitute cooked chicken or imitation crab for the shrimp, and use your choice of veggies and cheese. Serve...
A saucepan dish combining cream, soup, and chicken with lots of Asian veggies like bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, baby corn, mushrooms and broccoli. Serve...
With this unique, autumnal twist on lasagna, you get the sweet goodness of butternut squash combined with moist turkey, packaged between tender noodles...
This is a cheesy, delicious enchilada recipe that uses crab and mushrooms for a unique twist on classic Mexican fare. Can be made spicy or mild depending...
These easy Asian fusion burgers are a fusion between Chinese and American flavors. I did not add ginger because of my family's taste but I think 1 teaspoon...
This lamb shank recipe was initially given to me as a family favorite from a work buddy. I've prepared it in a slow cooker and made it as easy as possible...
A flavorsome vegetable and tofu dish. Kimchi is cooked with bamboo shoots, baby corn, enoki mushrooms, and tofu in a bonito-flavored soup stock. Delicious...
My family recently went on a vacation to Finland. In addition to enjoying the food and scenery, many of us fell in love with the lonkero, or long drink....
I love ricotta cheese, and as an Italian, I use it pretty much for everything. Try this quick and easy recipe to make delicious homemade ricotta cheese...
The Indian-flavored main course uses one basic spice rub. Half is rubbed on the lamb chops, and the other half is mixed with yogurt to marinate the chicken....
This variation on the original uses mushrooms and artichoke hearts as a tasty twist. Yum! Serve over pasta or rice. White wine or water may be substituted...
This simplified banana filling is a favorite Filipino treat. It is also known as turon, using burro bananas cut lengthwise (instead of my sliced version),...